Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Current Event "wallstreet"

The federal government’s latest plan to pump billions of dollars into ailing credit markets drew a tepid response from Wall Street on Tuesday, as shares gave up early gains and flattened at midday, halting the market’s two-day rally.
After rising sharply in early trading, financial markets swung into negative territory as Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. explained the government’s latest efforts to address the crises in financial and credit markets. The move is an effort to unfreeze the market for consumer credit. While the costs of bank-to-bank borrowing have dropped after billions of dollars’ worth of government intervention, rates on mortgages and other consumer loans have remained stubbornly high.

1 comment:

Dr. P said...

Fox racer,

This appears like plagiarism...you can't just copy and paste sections of an article and post it as your own blog...come on, think for yourself a little.